Study of Revised Performance Plans of Poland and Bulgaria. This study was a review of the revised performance plans of Poland and Bulgaria in the context of the significant changes to traffic patterns following the conflict in Ukraine and other geo-political influences in the Middle East.
Study for an ex-post evaluation of the SES performance and charging schemes. With Ecorys and NLR, Winsland conducted an ex-post evaluation of the SES performance and charging schemes for DG MOVE. The work includes wide consultation with the industry and an open public consultation (OPC). The focus was on the effectiveness of the regulations during the first regulatory period (RP1, 2012-14) and the first year of the second (RP2, 2015-19).
Study on the progress made by functional airspace blocks (‘FABs’). This study for DG MOVE assessed the organisational, operational and technical progress of functional airspace blocks (FABs). The study was in partnership with Integra, Ecorys and Combitech, with Winsland leading the operations and technical aspects, and taking a prime role in the direct consultations.
Safety Performance Scheme/Approach for Aviation. This study for the European Commission was in partnership with Ecorys and NLR. With increasing complexity and growing volumes of air traffic, the European Commission is considering a move to a system of safety management and regulation that is pro-active, evidence-based and takes action in advance to prevent accidents from happening. Winsland’s role was to consult with the aviation industry and develop options for introducing the concept of a safety performance scheme. Winsland consulted with flight operators, airports, MRO, ground handling, CAAs, training organisations, aircraft manufacturers and other stakeholders.
ATM Social Dialogue Venice Conference. Although some time ago, we were proud to support the ATCEUC, CANSO and ETF, collectively known as the Social Partners, in the preparation and conclusion of the Vienna conference 16-17 November 2011 and the final conference report. The work was in partnership with Joe Magee and involved consultations and frenetic but fun drafting to conference deadlines.